New Moon Movie Countdown - Flower

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I hate school fundraisers!

What happened to the days of bake sales and candybar sales? Now they send home catalogs of over priced cookie dough, cheesecakes, & soft pretzels. Zach brought home his second fundraiser catalogs of the year. They want $18 dollars for a cheesecake that I could eat all by myself! He wants so bad to go on a limo ride and out to eat. That's the prize if they sale 30 items. I never do one for Mackenzie, it's hard enough to get people to buy from Zach. It's mostly my family that buys from him. The cookie dough price isn't bad. $13 for 4 dozen, precut cookies, just pop em in the oven. Wish him luck!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

365 day picture blog...

I am going to start something new & fun starting Feb. 1st. It's a 365 day picture blog. I will take pics everyday of the kids and post them on the blog telling how their day went or telling about what they are doing in the pics. It's alot of fun & I can't wait to start!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Well...I'm sick!

A friend of mine made this for Zach's birthday coming up next month.....he's going to freak when he sees it!

I wokeup yesterday wth the right side of my nose swollen. I have a gland in my neck swollen to the size of a large marble and I can't taste anything. Good old sinus infection. I hope the kids don't get sick. The little girl I babysit was throwing up last night. My sister is sick. Yuck!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Great day!

I have started babysitting a little 2 yr old girl named Brooke. She has really taken to Zach. He plays with her and she loves it. Today I took all 3 kids to my grandmothers house. For Christmas, my grandmother found 2 school desks and I gave them to Zach & Kenzie. Now Zach has a place to sit and do homework instead of at the coffee table. I went over today to clean the desks up and my brother brought them to the house for me.

The kids ran around outside and played. They had a real good time.

These pics are from yesterday at my house. Kenzie & Brooke. Zach was at my grandmothers.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Zach got to shoot his first gun today!

I forgot to put this in the previous post. Zach is staying at my grandmothers til tomorrow(no school b/c of MLK Day). My brother just bought a 22 rifle and he was target shooting (cans off the fence post). Zach called me earlier and told me that he got to shoot Uncle Dusty's rifle 3 times and he hit the can everytime! He was so excited. My brother got him a BB gun for Christmas, but took it away from Zach til he learned saftey. He kept pointing it at my brother instead of down at the ground or over his shoulder. He'll learn. He told me that he can't wait til next deer season, so he can go hunting! LOL!

Hello all!

I thought this would be a good way of letting all of you know how Zach & Kenzie are doing. Trying to send out mass emails, was a pain. I hope you all check back often.

To start of, Zach has been going to tutoring 2 days a week after school. He failed the LEAP test last yr, went to summer school, failed it again and is having to repeat the 4th grade. He will have to take the LEAP test again in March. Crossing fingers that he passes. His grades this yr. are better than last years. They switched things up this yr in the 4th grade. Instead of staying in the same classroom all day, they go to 3 different teachers during the day. I guess a change of scenery helps them alot.

Mackenzie loves school! During Christmas break, that's all she talked about. It was rough for her not going to school. She goes to extended school program in the summer. To keep her routine up.
She only has a 3 week break during the summer, but she doesn't mind.