New Moon Movie Countdown - Flower

Friday, May 22, 2009

School's out for Summer!!!

Well, they go Monday & Tuesday, then it's out. OMG! I am going to go nuts!!!! LOL! I always get alittle sentimental at the end of school. Another year in their lives gone. Today is awards day at school. I am not sure if Zach will be getting an award, but I am going anyway. Mackenzie brought home a certificate yesterday for outstanding attendance.

YAY!!!!!ZACH PASSED THE LEAP TEST!!!! I cried, I was so proud of him. He is now going to the 5th grade. Then I will really cry, he will be in Jr High after next year. My baby is growing up. I have decided to let him do more things for himself. I still do for him, not bc he doesn't want to, but I still think of him as a little boy. He's not anymore. I just wish David was around to see how much he has grown. I know he sees him.....

Now I am just waiting on the letter telling me when Kenzie starts her ESYP (Extended School Year Program). She goes 8 weeks during the summer, to keep up her routine.

Here are some pics from the other day....




1 comment:

  1. Congrats to Zach! That's awesome. I'm so proud. And I love Kenzie's hair cut. She looks beautiful.
