New Moon Movie Countdown - Flower

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I am a bad mom!

Last week, I let Zach in the pool for a few hours while Kenzie was at ESYP. Well, later on he was complaining about his back hurting. He had a bad sunburn. The next night, he came to me and ask about his back. HE HAD BLISTERS!!!! Horrible blisters.
I never even thought about sunscreen...I know...bad mom...bad mom...But he is healing and will have a good tan when it's all over with. He is staying the night at a friends house tonight, so after Kenzie goes to school tomorrow, I will be alone. Finally, some me time. I don't feel guilty about saying that. I love these kids more than life itself, but alittle ME time is good for everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Girl, ain't that the truth. Man, I love my "Me Time". It's very precious.
