New Moon Movie Countdown - Flower

Sunday, June 28, 2009

I hate Louisiana summers!

Living in the south is horrible in the summer. The humidity is unbearable, and not to mention, not kind to my hair!I am getting my hair cut on Thursday. It needs a good trim. I have been staying in the house. But one thing is good about the heat. When I am outside and I have a hot flash, I don't know it!

Zach lost 2 teeth the other day. Same day. He is getting so big. I told him that when he gets in high school, he should play football. He has the build for it. Just like his daddy. Broad shoulders & chest. Looks just like David.

Mackenzie turned 10 on Friday, the 26th. She is so tall. I am afraid, it is getting close to that time for her. She will soon need a training bra. I don't know how well that will go over with her. I have a hard enough time as it is, keeping clothes on her at home. She wants to run around in her underwear all the time. She will only keep a shirt on if it is pink. I guess pink, is her favorite color. She does have a blue shirt she is fond of though.

Well, Michael got fired from his job. He is looking for another one though. He didn't like working there anyway. Katelyn went to apply for a job at Sonic. We'll see how that goes.

Well, I am off to bed. Night!

1 comment:

  1. Yep, I concur. Louisiana summers are completely unbearable. Winter needs to get here, if we actually have one this year.
