New Moon Movie Countdown - Flower

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Almost time for school!

Big changes here! Katelyn has moved in with me. She will be going to Vinton High School. She's not too happy about it, but it's for the best. She needs to be with me. Kenzie has one more week of ESYP, then she is finished til school starts here. School starts on August 18th.

I have decided to go back to work....@ the same place that I quit a yr ago. Staying home is nice, but not smart finacially. I am tired of depending on others to help me, just so I can stay home. I am tired of struggling.

Above are some pics that Katelyn took of her & Zach. I love them!!!!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

I hate Louisiana summers!

Living in the south is horrible in the summer. The humidity is unbearable, and not to mention, not kind to my hair!I am getting my hair cut on Thursday. It needs a good trim. I have been staying in the house. But one thing is good about the heat. When I am outside and I have a hot flash, I don't know it!

Zach lost 2 teeth the other day. Same day. He is getting so big. I told him that when he gets in high school, he should play football. He has the build for it. Just like his daddy. Broad shoulders & chest. Looks just like David.

Mackenzie turned 10 on Friday, the 26th. She is so tall. I am afraid, it is getting close to that time for her. She will soon need a training bra. I don't know how well that will go over with her. I have a hard enough time as it is, keeping clothes on her at home. She wants to run around in her underwear all the time. She will only keep a shirt on if it is pink. I guess pink, is her favorite color. She does have a blue shirt she is fond of though.

Well, Michael got fired from his job. He is looking for another one though. He didn't like working there anyway. Katelyn went to apply for a job at Sonic. We'll see how that goes.

Well, I am off to bed. Night!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I am a bad mom!

Last week, I let Zach in the pool for a few hours while Kenzie was at ESYP. Well, later on he was complaining about his back hurting. He had a bad sunburn. The next night, he came to me and ask about his back. HE HAD BLISTERS!!!! Horrible blisters.
I never even thought about sunscreen...I know...bad mom...bad mom...But he is healing and will have a good tan when it's all over with. He is staying the night at a friends house tonight, so after Kenzie goes to school tomorrow, I will be alone. Finally, some me time. I don't feel guilty about saying that. I love these kids more than life itself, but alittle ME time is good for everyone.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Swimming pool fun!

So, I decided to put the pool up here at home bc of the maintanence on it. It's not as big as I thought, but big enough for the kids. Here are some pics from today....

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Finally...something for the kids to do!

My friend that I babysit for, gave me a 8ft across swimming pool for the kids. I am putting it up at my grandmothers house b/c I don't have the room to put it up here. I wish I did, it would be so nice to just walk out the door and climb in the pool, but oh well.

Kids are doing good. Kenzie starts her ESYP on June 8th. It's about time. She has been driving me crazy about going to school.

Friday, May 22, 2009

School's out for Summer!!!

Well, they go Monday & Tuesday, then it's out. OMG! I am going to go nuts!!!! LOL! I always get alittle sentimental at the end of school. Another year in their lives gone. Today is awards day at school. I am not sure if Zach will be getting an award, but I am going anyway. Mackenzie brought home a certificate yesterday for outstanding attendance.

YAY!!!!!ZACH PASSED THE LEAP TEST!!!! I cried, I was so proud of him. He is now going to the 5th grade. Then I will really cry, he will be in Jr High after next year. My baby is growing up. I have decided to let him do more things for himself. I still do for him, not bc he doesn't want to, but I still think of him as a little boy. He's not anymore. I just wish David was around to see how much he has grown. I know he sees him.....

Now I am just waiting on the letter telling me when Kenzie starts her ESYP (Extended School Year Program). She goes 8 weeks during the summer, to keep up her routine.

Here are some pics from the other day....




Monday, May 11, 2009

Michael & Katelyn......

Michael had to cut his hair. Michael has always been proud of his hair, ong, dirty blonde, and he says the girls love it! But his job started a new policy that the guys hair cannot be below the collar. He tried to fight it, but gave in...I think he looks cute.


Oh!!! And today is Katelyn's 16th Birthday! My babygirl is growing up!!!!!
