New Moon Movie Countdown - Flower

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Mixed up week!

I have been waiting, with baited breath, for my copy of the Twilight dvd to come in the mail. I got it yesterday...YAY! It is an early birthday present from the kiddos. Michael ordered it for me.

I have the kids Spring portraits from school. They are great! Zach is cheesin' in his and Mackenzie is just beautiful. My sister is going to scan her copies so I can email them out to everyone. I hope you enjoy them!

I wish the weather would make up it's mind. Bad storm last night, warm & humid today and by Saturday, it will be 62 with a low of 40. Now we are under tornado watch til 7pm! UGH! I am predicting that I will be sick next week. I hope I am wrong though. Zach missed school yesterday because of a stomach bug. Poor thing. Mackenzie never gets sick! (Knock on wood). I had to go to the dr last Thursday because I turned the wrong way and had muscle spasms in my back for 3 days. Feeling better now. It's amazing...I will be 40 in a few weeks. Mentally, I feel 21, physically, I have aches & pains. I wish someone would have warned me!

Hope all is well with everyone. Huggz!!!!

P.S. Isn't he a cutie....Robert Pattinson from Twilight..



Sunday, March 15, 2009

This week has been horrible!

I have sunk into a deep depression this past week. I hate it when I feel this way. All I do is cry & sleep. I have been going back to bed after the kids go to school, and sleeping til 10 am. I rarely ever do that. I know something is wrong. I think it's because of my birthday coming up next month. 40 yrs old...UGH!

Zach has been going to tutoring 3 days a week now b/c that stupid LEAP test is the beginning of next month. I hope he passes it this time around.

Mackenzie has been having a bad weekend. Outbursts, whining, constantly under my feet. Maybe she senses that I am not 'myself' and she is trying to get me to 'straighten up'. Who knows, but she is driving me a little crazy! LOL!

We(me, Zach & Kenzie) have been having nightly 'dance parties'. I play some music on the computer and we all dance around in my bedroom. They love it! And I have to admit, I have fun too. Kenzie has her own little dance that she does, kinda like the Hokey Pokey. I think they do that at school. She is too funny when she does it. I have taught Zach how to do the jitterbug. Comes in handy when I play Glenn Miller tunes. Kenzie prefers Pat Benetar's Heartbreaker...LOL!

Well, time to wash the dishes...


Friday, March 6, 2009

What a week!

I finally got my income tax refund. I was able to buy a new computer monitor (20' Samsung widescreen), pay some bills & next week, I am getting a new washing machine. I have been on the roads everyday this week, except today. I refused to leave my house for anything, with the exception of an emergency with the kids or fire. Luckily, neither of those happened.

This week, I have dealt with sick kids (Michael), kids with attitude (Katelyn & Zach) & a kid who has been throwing major fits (Mackenzie). She is in the process of having a whinig fit on my bed right now. I have been so tired lately, and I said that I was going to sleep all day (I never do that), but, that didn't happen either.

I finally had my cellphone re activated. Although, I never use it. I take that back! I use it as a tracking device when me & my sister are in Walmart. I call her cell to find out where she is.

My house is a mess..more than normal & my nerves are raw. If it wasn't for the fact that it took me this long to grow my hair the length it is, I would have already pulled it all out!

I made this for myself today...yeah, I'm obsessed!


Sunday, March 1, 2009


I was in the kitchen cooking popcorn chicken and french fries for the kids when I noticed on the calendar that Daylight Savings Time starts next Sunday. I will probably only be getting about 4 hrs sleep until I get used to it. The kids will love it, an extra hr of daylight. Not sure if I will though.

Only 10 days til Twilight comes out on DVD. My son, Michael, pre ordered a copy for my birthday. My birthday isn't til April, but I REALLY want a copy of Twilight.With him pre ordering it, it will be delivered to my mailbox, instead of having to stand in line at WalMart. They will probably run out the day it is released. I am so looking for to the next installment, New Moon coming to theaters in November. The Twilight saga is very addicting.

Love this weather! Sunny & cool. Right now, it is 52 degrees. Having a real good hair day!!

The kids have been in the house all day. Zach hasn't asked once to go outside. I have plenty to around the house, just not in the mood to do it. Is that a bad thing?

Til next time.....
