New Moon Movie Countdown - Flower

Friday, February 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Zach!

Today is Zach's 11th birthday. I was sitting in the bathtub last night around 12:30 and I was thinking about how 11 yrs ago, at that time, I was at the hospital being induced. I am sad today also. I can't give him a birthday party until next week when my income tax comes in. I can't even buy him anything. He says it's ok, he can wait, but for me, I feel like I have let him down somehow.

He woke me up this morning and told me he feels taller! How cute is that.?. He has been counting down all week long. My grandmother got him the Wall-E dvd, so at least he will have that. And I think the rest of the family is giving him money. He will like that.

They are having a small Mardi Gras parade at the school today for the kids. The Pre-K walks around the horseshoe in front of the school, throwing beads, coins, & candy. When the kids come in today, I will take some pics and post them!

Happy Birthday Zach! Mama loves you!


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