New Moon Movie Countdown - Flower

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

This 365 photo thing isn't working out!

I forget to take pics. So I guess I will ditch that idea and just post pics when I have new ones. Anywho...the weather here is horrible. I had a very bad hair day today. Frizz City! Thank God for ponytail holders. Tomorrow is my bi-weekly day out with my sister. Nails & Wal Mart. My sister pays for my nails b/c I can't afford them right now and I am her only way of going to get hers done.

The kiddos are doing good! Nothing really new with them. Zach's birthday is this coming Friday(the 20th), he will be 11. I was just recently looking at pics of me giving him his first bath. It was in the sink at Mimi & Poppas house in Orange. I miss those days. He is getting at the age where his tastes are expensive. Games, DVDs, ....stuff like that. He can't sit still. Constantly moving & talking. Boy can he talk!!! Well, time to finish the dishes. i had to stop b/c my back was killing me.



  1. A daily blog is pretty much impossible to keep. I'm just thankful to hear from you once a week or so. Don't kill yourself trying to do it daily.

  2. I agree, no need to post daily!

    It's just nice to see updates and snippets of how my lovies are doing <3
